Breaking the Barrier to Fixed Ops Change

Breaking the Barrier to Fixed Ops Change Does the real obstacle to improving customer experience lie within? Friedrich Nietzsche, the renowned German philosopher once said, “you yourself will always be the worst enemy you can encounter.” Exterior challenges like new market disruptors and rapidly shifting customer expectations ...


Service Status Updates: Why Today’s Customer Craves Them

Service Status Updates: Why Today's Customer Craves Them Powerful emotions make this feature a fixed ops must-have. The fear of the unknown. It’s one of our most basic and primal emotions. Researchers define it as being afraid of something we have no information about or no ...


Experience ONE Platform From Dealer-FX Live At The Kia National Dealer Meeting In Las Vegas, NV

The Dealer-FX Team is excited to be on hand at the 2019 Kia National Dealer Meeting to demonstrate the features and benefits of ONE Platform to Kia Dealers from across the USA.  Event Details Kia National Dealer Meeting Wynn Hotel & Resort, Las Vegas, NV Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | 11:30 AM PST – 3:30 PM PST Dealer-FX […]


Jim Burke Nissan Benefits From Consistent Processes And Powerful Reporting

Jim Burke Nissan has been utilizing the Nissan Service Workflow Suite from Dealer-FX since 2017 and Digital Marketing Services from Dealer-FX since 2018. With both of these programs in place, the dealership has generated impressive results in the service lane.

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