Breaking the Barrier to Fixed Ops Change

Breaking the Barrier to Fixed Ops Change Does the real obstacle to improving customer experience lie within? Friedrich Nietzsche, the renowned German philosopher once said, “you yourself will always be the worst enemy you can encounter.” Exterior challenges like new market disruptors and rapidly shifting customer expectations ...


Hidden Benefits of Online Scheduling Software

Hidden Benefits of Online Scheduling Software Selecting the right fixed ops solution depends on understanding them. With stretched shop capacity, staffing issues, increased recalls and more, it's natural for Service Department Managers and Advisors to view appointment scheduling software as simply a mechanism to manage daily ...


Fixed-Ops Round-Up: News for the Service Lane

As we turn the corner on summer, the 2019 sales year looks more volatile than ever, with nary a pattern or predictable trend to count on. The automotive market has simply become more complex and demanding, with many different ways to create revenue and reduce cost by leveraging digital tech opportunities – and streamlining processes.

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